An Open Badge on LinkedIn is shown as a certification - with proof attached
June 5, 2023
What is the ePortfolio? What is its educational value? How can it be used in everyday teaching? How can it help young people to be more active in their own training? Can it help them also in the...
June 26, 2015
Italy is once again in the black books for youth unemployment. However the Ministry of Labour is going to implement the legislative decree n. 13 of 2013, enhancing the National Qualifications...
June 10, 2015
A philosophical approach to digital identity by Serge Ravet: building the universe of collective identities, where Open Badges are the elementary particles.
June 9, 2015
The latest May the 8th the main spokespeople of the Open Badges’ and e-portfolio’s culture told their experiences to representatives of Italian Universities, of business companies, of the Ministry...
May 19, 2015
Today’s wonder is called “reshoring” and it’s the opposite of relocation because it brings the companies that were moved to China and Romania, back to their homeland.
May 7, 2015
In the city where Piero della Francesca’s theory on “perspective” was written, a new perspective with which to look at education and work is now being presented. This is the proposal made by Cineca...
May 7, 2015
Open Badges are the new digital tool for mapping, acquiring and valuing skills. From the Scouts who hung them proudly on their uniforms, badges have now reached digital users who can utilise them to...
May 7, 2015
Bestr is the platform that reduces the distances between people’s skills, companies’ requirements and education.
Change the way in which you live your professional role and begin a lifelong learning...
May 7, 2015