Open Badges in Higher Education: a MOOC

Learn everything about the state of the art of Open Badges in Higher Education in Europe and beyond with the third MOOC by Open Badge Network
May 12, 2017

How are Open Badges being used in Higher Education? How do they relate to competency frameworks? How can the qualty of Badges be assured? The third MOOC realized by Open Badge Network gathers experts, practitioners, universities and companies to try and find answers to these and more questions.

The course, lead by Beuth University's Ilona Buchem, takes place during 8 weeks starting in May 2017 and offers a combination of documentation, activities and real-time interaction through webinars, with the purpose of providing learners with a wide overview on what's happening - and what could happen - in the Open Badges world as applied by Universities.

At Bestr, we are very proud to be guest at the first webinar, "Use Cases", on Wednesday 17th, together with The Indira Gandhi National Open University.

As the Open Badge solution developed by the main Consortium of Universities in Italy, Bestr will share different use cases and scenarios where Badges are used within Universities to help recognize the value of competencies and learning, and better communicate it to the outside and job market world.

The following modules will explore the Quality Assurance of Open Badges in Higher Education, with prestigious guests such as IMS Global Learning Consortium and Nate Otto from Concentric Sky; the Alignment with competency frameworks - including semantic descriptions of competencies - with Prof. Dr. Johannes Konert, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, designer of the Competency Repository for Open Badges; Policies recommendations and next steps in Europe with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

Enrolling in the course is free and easy - but most importantly useful for anybody working within higher education and willing to keep pace with the most advanced international practices: